"In this destined serendipity called life, I write to bridge the gap between a world that is and a world that could have been." - Ayushee Ghoshal
Thursday, May 31, 2012
How about a sin tonight ?
Have you ever been in love withtwo people at the same time ? Have you ever hated so much that you wish tospray acid on their face and make their life as miserable as possible ? Haveyou ever loved so much that you write letters which you never dare to post ,and happily choose silence over confession ? Have you ever killed the personyou thought you LOVE D?
Saturday, May 26, 2012
How do I fare "thee" well. ?
Conversations which usually started with "Abey kamine".Laughters and tears , the two impression of every expression,where will we get the deja senti again ? This feeling and unrest streaks within me every time a timeline is completed.Last time i found myself pondering upon this topic was when i passed standard 10th.Two years later i seem to have known quiet too much about life and relations and guess what ? I am yet to know too much about it.I have realised that goodbyes will always hurt.Photographs wont replace the feeling of being there , being with them , the only thing that will be static will be the fact that we once shared the most treasured memories of our life.
From now on what happens , no memory will be strong enough to replace the memories of these two years.The fact that in all probabilities all of my best friends will be in different cities or different countries as a matter of fact , is making this goodbye more emotional.
May be tomorrow we will be in contact via Im's , BBM , GMAIL , FB etc. But certainly they wont replace the million dollar smile which lightened up our mood and adorned our face when we greeted our best buddies with the slangs.Tomorrow may be we will make 100s of new college friends.Friends who will know what we are,but certainly wont have any idea , why we are so.
The Rat race has already started. Excel in boards , excel in CLAT , Crack AIEE , IITJEE , AIPMT etc etc.And when you get there you find out to ur utter surprise that the race has just begun. The race for becoming the best amongst the rest.Do we even know whats waiting for us ? A world which is more demanding , more callous . A life with no second chances but with make it or break it situations. When we're done with this rat race , the main race begins. The race for surviving in this world, to earn a living , to settle down with the most elligible partner,have a well furnished house , a ferrari in the parking lot , best electronic gadgets and amazing foreign tours.No doubt most of us get most of the above mentioned luxuries but only at the cost of the little joys of life. Pocket money will change into salary , friends into acquiantance.leisure would then mean going out to some club for playing pool rather than going on a scooty drive on the airport road with our best buddies.

I know its hypothetical because coming days we will be too busy to even think about these things . but sometime we will think about the plans we used to make , every dream we shared , every wish which remained unfulfilled, every smile we cherished , every tear we wiped away , there will automatically be a smile on our face and we will just utter "I miss those days man ! I really do" Someday we will visit tthe place again , look at the large gate , the chairs and the blackboard,the secret hangout spots and what not.I will miss the screams of joy , the feeling of togetherness , the feeling of having people to fall back upon , people whom i will never see again in the coming 5 years or may be all my life , probably the people who matter the most , a smile will follow along with two teardrops for sure.
This is just a note , to thank all those people who have made me what i am today.A promise to find solace in the memories , to keep in touch , to cherish the lost childhood and take a nostalgic odessey of the old good days every time i am vexed.
We may be parting our ways today , but i am sure somewhere in some far off place i will recognize your face..I wont say goodbye my friend..for you and i..Will meet again :)
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
The publishing industry and the dark truth
Ravinder singh ,
Novoneel chakraborty , Durjoy Dutta , Sudeep Nagarkar are the names which have
dominated the Indian book market in the recent time. They started with Srishti,
(which was also called the KING of the publishing world) once upon a time.
I remember how I and many other aspiring authors
dreamt of getting published with Srishti. But dear friends, it’s ALL ABOUT TIME.
The big names have finally terminated the contracts and have moved out..Its reputation is hitting an all time low. And the once awesome distribution of Srishti is better if not talked about.
I talked to some authors and I came to know that Srishti gives no Royalty figure (which is Rs 5 / book.) and no sales figure. Published authors don’t even get reply to their mails inquiring about their sales figure. Disappointing. The only option they are left with is to move out and publish with some good publishing house.
Harper Collins, grey oak, penguin are distant dream for new authors. The funniest thing, I have come across while reading the “Publish with us” section of some xyz big publishing house. Who writes like this? If you are already published with Rupa, Penguin or you are famous journalist, then submit your script otherwise we won’t look at your script. I remember very well that when they opened their publishing house, they had the vision to give voice to new talented authors but with the passage of time, they have lost their vision. Writing such condition before submitting is a clear indicator of that. Even Harper and Penguin don’t put their criteria like this. Funnily enough. Obviously they want classy writing style, which most of the new authors don’t have. Therefore they are left with no choice but to fall prey to the Indian publishing houses that have a bad monopoly. They don’t spend a penny on promotion. Author has to do everything. I heard that too if an author’s doesn’t promote book well, then Srishti doesn’t give importance to that mail, deliberately avoids his/her mails and never replies to his/her query. Moreover they don’t have editors.
If you have read Srishti's books then you must’ve noticed the conspicuous grammatical errors. Sometimes its irritating to spot a mistake in every second sentence a novice writes.
Another factor which contributes massively towards the increasing monopoly of this house is the Indian mentality. Readers are ready to spend 200 bucks for ridiculous movies like houseful 2. Or else they always look for friend’s copies or ask authors to give him/her a free copy, if he/she is a friend of the author, but they will purchase only that book which cost 100 or 125 maximum.
Obviously the authors are "once common people" who did have the same mentality. They know if the cost exceeds Rs 100 , their book won’t become a best seller anytime soon. So they contact cheap publishing houses. Now this is where the exploitation starts.

Which includes forcing writers to write intimate scenes. (They know this sells well...), not replying to their mails once they get published, not giving the actual sales figure and much more. No doubt some of the biggest publishing houses are on the brink of collapse (if you know which PH I mean) The Indian book industry somehow runs on how many intimate scene a book has to offer. Most of the books are a replica of the dirty picture. Modernization is good, but to the point where love is not confused with lust. Funnily enough we have modernized so much that lets say if the name of the book is "Love story" we buy it keeping in mind it is a "Lust story". Frankly speaking I guess somewhere this is what most of the aspiring authors have to offer. Or let’s say they are FORCED to offer...A lil bit of decency please? Let’s say our new honchos try to copy Jackie Collins somehow or the other, missing out on the decency part. Most of the books are lost amidst the huge cabinets of books with identical names, mushy lines from Hindi movies, little or No classic literature and Romantic and poignant scenes stolen from English movies, which somehow fail to weave the same magic ...Because if it sells, it is ought to be a bestseller..Again...Did I miss, we live in a country where a best seller is determined by the number of copies it sells and not the number of lived it effects?
With all the famous authors moving out , who made it what it is today , Srishti is left with the memories of being the once king of the publishing world. Their monopoly had increased too much so that they sent books only on order by stores. Their once famous promotion and distribution is now what no author dreams of at least for his first book.
But with Srishti on the brink of collapse I am sure there are so many dreams at stake as well. Most of the big publishing houses don’t give a chance to the newbee's. You can kill yourself waiting for a reply from penguin or Rupa or Harper Collins but I can assure you about the very fact that there isn’t a chance they will introduce a new debutant author in the market like they introduce a Chetan Bhagat book. No I am not being biased, but the simple point which I want to throw light upon is "Why give so much of importance to someone who is already at his careers best? Why not give a chance to the struggling authors who despite of having ample talent, potential and determination have to face disappointment only because they are NEWBEE's ?
Is this what we preach in a country where "Equality" is considered to be an important component of the constitution?

Even if you get selected I can assure you they won’t give you the much needed exposure. They will promote only those books which come from the kitty of best selling authors. End result = like in India rich are becoming richer and poor are becoming poorer, in the book industry, the already famous are becoming more famous and richer (with 8% and 10% royalty and 50k advance: if what I heard is true). The publishers like Srishti, of royalty with no advance. While the struggling writers keep on struggling and hoping that someday they will be recognized worldwide for their talent.
Yesterday night I was talking to a friend of mine who is a bestselling author, told me that he always gets one-third less royalty than what he expects. Yes. Another reason why Srishti is on the brink of collapse is their unprofessional behaviour.They say "Its all about fame..And not the MONEY" . What’s the problem in paying right amount? They should remember that they make money by selling these author’s copies.

While writers outside India are earning millions, Indian authors hardly get the royalty due. Who is to be blamed? It is for you to decide. Another need of the hour is certainly good editors.
Some books instead of having grammatical mistakes ,so conspicuous, make up to the best sellers list. I am yet to figure out how. With all due respect.
I will leave you here and let you decide where the Indian book industry is treading. If you find out the answer you are most welcome to share your views.
Again I am just another Indian who is using her Freedom of expression under article 19 20 21 and 22.Happy reading..Happy thinking..
The big names have finally terminated the contracts and have moved out..Its reputation is hitting an all time low. And the once awesome distribution of Srishti is better if not talked about.
I talked to some authors and I came to know that Srishti gives no Royalty figure (which is Rs 5 / book.) and no sales figure. Published authors don’t even get reply to their mails inquiring about their sales figure. Disappointing. The only option they are left with is to move out and publish with some good publishing house.
Now the question arises where will the
new authors go?
Harper Collins, grey oak, penguin are distant dream for new authors. The funniest thing, I have come across while reading the “Publish with us” section of some xyz big publishing house. Who writes like this? If you are already published with Rupa, Penguin or you are famous journalist, then submit your script otherwise we won’t look at your script. I remember very well that when they opened their publishing house, they had the vision to give voice to new talented authors but with the passage of time, they have lost their vision. Writing such condition before submitting is a clear indicator of that. Even Harper and Penguin don’t put their criteria like this. Funnily enough. Obviously they want classy writing style, which most of the new authors don’t have. Therefore they are left with no choice but to fall prey to the Indian publishing houses that have a bad monopoly. They don’t spend a penny on promotion. Author has to do everything. I heard that too if an author’s doesn’t promote book well, then Srishti doesn’t give importance to that mail, deliberately avoids his/her mails and never replies to his/her query. Moreover they don’t have editors.

If you have read Srishti's books then you must’ve noticed the conspicuous grammatical errors. Sometimes its irritating to spot a mistake in every second sentence a novice writes.
Another factor which contributes massively towards the increasing monopoly of this house is the Indian mentality. Readers are ready to spend 200 bucks for ridiculous movies like houseful 2. Or else they always look for friend’s copies or ask authors to give him/her a free copy, if he/she is a friend of the author, but they will purchase only that book which cost 100 or 125 maximum.
Obviously the authors are "once common people" who did have the same mentality. They know if the cost exceeds Rs 100 , their book won’t become a best seller anytime soon. So they contact cheap publishing houses. Now this is where the exploitation starts.

Which includes forcing writers to write intimate scenes. (They know this sells well...), not replying to their mails once they get published, not giving the actual sales figure and much more. No doubt some of the biggest publishing houses are on the brink of collapse (if you know which PH I mean) The Indian book industry somehow runs on how many intimate scene a book has to offer. Most of the books are a replica of the dirty picture. Modernization is good, but to the point where love is not confused with lust. Funnily enough we have modernized so much that lets say if the name of the book is "Love story" we buy it keeping in mind it is a "Lust story". Frankly speaking I guess somewhere this is what most of the aspiring authors have to offer. Or let’s say they are FORCED to offer...A lil bit of decency please? Let’s say our new honchos try to copy Jackie Collins somehow or the other, missing out on the decency part. Most of the books are lost amidst the huge cabinets of books with identical names, mushy lines from Hindi movies, little or No classic literature and Romantic and poignant scenes stolen from English movies, which somehow fail to weave the same magic ...Because if it sells, it is ought to be a bestseller..Again...Did I miss, we live in a country where a best seller is determined by the number of copies it sells and not the number of lived it effects?
With all the famous authors moving out , who made it what it is today , Srishti is left with the memories of being the once king of the publishing world. Their monopoly had increased too much so that they sent books only on order by stores. Their once famous promotion and distribution is now what no author dreams of at least for his first book.
But with Srishti on the brink of collapse I am sure there are so many dreams at stake as well. Most of the big publishing houses don’t give a chance to the newbee's. You can kill yourself waiting for a reply from penguin or Rupa or Harper Collins but I can assure you about the very fact that there isn’t a chance they will introduce a new debutant author in the market like they introduce a Chetan Bhagat book. No I am not being biased, but the simple point which I want to throw light upon is "Why give so much of importance to someone who is already at his careers best? Why not give a chance to the struggling authors who despite of having ample talent, potential and determination have to face disappointment only because they are NEWBEE's ?
Is this what we preach in a country where "Equality" is considered to be an important component of the constitution?

Even if you get selected I can assure you they won’t give you the much needed exposure. They will promote only those books which come from the kitty of best selling authors. End result = like in India rich are becoming richer and poor are becoming poorer, in the book industry, the already famous are becoming more famous and richer (with 8% and 10% royalty and 50k advance: if what I heard is true). The publishers like Srishti, of royalty with no advance. While the struggling writers keep on struggling and hoping that someday they will be recognized worldwide for their talent.
Yesterday night I was talking to a friend of mine who is a bestselling author, told me that he always gets one-third less royalty than what he expects. Yes. Another reason why Srishti is on the brink of collapse is their unprofessional behaviour.They say "Its all about fame..And not the MONEY" . What’s the problem in paying right amount? They should remember that they make money by selling these author’s copies.

While writers outside India are earning millions, Indian authors hardly get the royalty due. Who is to be blamed? It is for you to decide. Another need of the hour is certainly good editors.
Some books instead of having grammatical mistakes ,so conspicuous, make up to the best sellers list. I am yet to figure out how. With all due respect.
I will leave you here and let you decide where the Indian book industry is treading. If you find out the answer you are most welcome to share your views.
Again I am just another Indian who is using her Freedom of expression under article 19 20 21 and 22.Happy reading..Happy thinking..
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