How about a sin tonight ?
Have you ever been in love withtwo people at the same time ? Have you ever hated so much that you wish tospray acid on their face and make their life as miserable as possible ? Haveyou ever loved so much that you write letters which you never dare to post ,and happily choose silence over confession ? Have you ever killed the personyou thought you LOVE D?
If you havent or even if you have , i will suggest you to read HOW ABOUT A SINTONIGHT.
From the best selling author of That kiss in the rain and A thing beyondforever.
Its a chilling tale of obsession , love , betrayal , vengeance , hatredand tragedy all at the same time.By the end of the novel you findyourself face to face with just one question "Is life /love really assimple as it seems or is it as intriguing as the lives of the 5 protagonist inthe novel" If not anywhere close to theirs , the novel will surely answeryour questions about the complexities of life and love.

While reading Shahraan and Mehfils story you can only help but wonder “Doessuch love truly exists in todays world.One as pure as theirs.?”
"What do you call a smile when it falls in love?"
"A tear drop"
Shahraan ali Bakshi who is in Bombay to become a super star meets Mehfil in asweet serendipity and several others follow , till they realise that thoughtheir love was forbidden their souls were interwined in a such a special waythat no worldly relation can define it.At the end of the day it was worth everyrisk.When Shahraan meets Reva , readers are forced to wonder if love truly canhappen twice or not , the answers to which one finds by the end of book 3"Whispers of a sin"
Reva and Neev , Complex.Very complex.Live in relationship and analmost open relationship . Their struggle from rags to riches is intriguing and a little heart wrenching as well.Funny what the dream city can do to you ! On their way they meet so many random people , who by the end of the story again turn out to play the most significant role in their life and that is absolutely wonderfully penned down.
Nishani Rai , the bitch at heart.If there are categories of bitches then she was a category in herself.When i first started reading"Cries of a sin" I hated Nishani more than anything , but by the endof book three "Whispers of a sin" i loved her more than anything.After all she was just a kid trying to understand the theory of Seperation and acceptance. "I dont care what others thing , but for methere couldnt be a happier ending.Me looking into my fathers eyes and saying"I love you" :')
The reason behind the entire mess up - Nishani Rai.Iwont reveal much and spoil your reading experience but understanding Nishaani'scharacter is a tough task to do.Trust me , she will make you wanna swear at herand then cry for her at the same time
And in the end , Kaash , the Sweetest and my favorite character. "Why doesn't sun come a lil closer to earth ? Cuz it knws a step forward nd it will burn the earth beyond sometimes distance is what is necessary to keep a relationship a relationship"From being a living paradox to a living example of what sacrifice truly is ,Kaash never fails to leave a smile on your face by his unexpected behavior.
The climax, as it turns out , is disturbing at a point and makes you swing between the pendulum of hatred and sympathy at the same time.Also throwing light upon the dark truth of the silver screen and the hogwash of the image a television artist and film star carries ,how about a sin tonight will certainly changes your opinion forever about the glamour and simple story we think bollywood is. If you are looking for some serious read and a page turner then How about a sin tonight is the book to go for.With some really good lesson to impart to everyone and also the complex questions about love and life , how about a sin tonight has every thing to fall in love with.I am not being biased , but seldom do I find myself praising a book so much. I give it 4.5 stars out of 5 J
Happy reading people
I am ordering my copy now :D
ReplyDeleteGo ahead harshita :) It is WORTH it :D
ReplyDeleteAyushee How About A Sin Tonight...???lol
ReplyDeleteAwesome Dis Is...:)
Ayushee really very good work, you have really worked hard on it,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ReplyDeletebest of luck for the nxt blog dear......
reading it currently...too irresistible to be kept down........must say......i was so mesmerized by shahraan's and mehfil's took me to an era long forgotten....i found myself imagining a setting where love is associated only with innocence.....the pleasure is emotional and spiritual unlike the love nowadays.....true meaning of unconditional love.....i can really go on and on praising this book even though i haven't finished reading it...
ReplyDeleteI knew you would like it Ady :) I know where Shahran and Mehfil took you. Long forgotten era "where existence is neither allowed nor called for." We cant ever get enough of Novo's work. ! he is THE GOD !