I have often seen people address healthy people as “FAT”. It
has frustrated me to a great extent and i thought of penning down the same
today. There is no other way to vent out your frustration than blogging. So I
would start off by quoting my favourite author here , “‘Fat’ is
usually the first insult a girl throws at another girl when she wants to hurt
her. I mean, is ‘fat’ really the worst thing a human being can be? Is ‘fat’
worse than ‘vindictive’, ‘jealous’, ‘shallow’, ‘vain’, ‘boring’ or ‘cruel’? Not
to me; but then, you might retort, what do I know about the pressure to be

Being fat effects your heart , but what about being an extremely pretty person and having a rotten soul ? Your internal decomposition process has already started and you have no clue.Being fat can just not earn the tag of “Beautiful or hot” , but how does it matter till you have a beautiful soul that actually understands the others and thinks a thousand times before hurling comments like “Fat , ugly and horrible” at others. I ask one simple question – WHY DOES IT MATTER TO YOU IF THE OTHER PERSON IS FAT ? Is it because though they are not the skinny zero size like you are , they are still better off than you at most of the things ? Is it because though they haven’t starved themselves to death , people love and appreciate them for what they are ? Or is it because no matter what you do , you know you have a rotten soul , so much so , that no matter how much of make up you put up , you can never be as good as that “FAT” person. It is because you know they are better than you. No matter what you do ? I find calling someone fat and making them feel small and bad about themselves an extremely coward , stupid , silly and saddist way of feeling good about yourself.I fail to understand how people resort to such means of gaining pleasure ?
Next time you call someone fat , STOP – THINK (the person you’re
calling fat may be fighting a life threatening disease and surviving on
medicines that make him gain weight. Is being FAT worse than succumbing to a
disease and giving up ? the person you’re calling fat might be trying to starve
himself to death just to fit in. Is being fat really bad than being a bully ?
the person you’re calling FAT must be suffering from some genetic disorder. Is
being fat worse than bringing bad name to the family or being a bad
son/daughter ?) Next time you call someone fat , imagine yourself gaining 20 kg’s.
Imagine that being the only option to be alive. What will you choose ? Being
fat ? Or dying ?
Too often people address me as “FAT” or give me free advice “You
need to shed some weight” . I mean DUDE . Stop ! I am not an addict , I am way
better than you at several things , I cook for myself , I am a blogger , I can
write and i have read more books than you have in you have even opened.” I
might sound to be too self obsessed but isn’t that freaking more important than
being the skinny zero size that you are ? On the other hand you are nothing but
a moving example of the famous maxim that “Beauty and brains cant go hand and
hand”. I choose to be FAT than skinny , i choose to eat , than starve myself to
death just to fit into your size 0 obsessed world . I choose to be MYSELF than
try and be someone for someone who doesn’t even care about WHO i actually am
and focuses more on my physical beauty. Next time someone calls you fat just
recite out loud “To hell with being skinny. I love the way I am. I will look at
myself in the mirror and I’ll know i have a beautiful soul and YOU will look
into the mirror and see your soul rottening. You’ll see yourself being pretty ,
being wanted for your physical beauty and once it will fade off , you wont be
wanted anymore.Beauty is just ephemeral.While i will proudly be able to say i
chose the people , who chose me for what i am from within.”